ࡱ> PROb  jbjb mmRS$ 8  $Q D D D D D D D D  ,7 R !D D D D D D D  D D D $ D  8 h T L ! 0Q E E $$ $$  Reading Readiness Guide: Dealing with Bullying + = AGREE STRONGLY " = AGREE SOMEWHAT - = DISAGREE I tend to agree/disagree with this statement because& Based on my experience, this statement is true/false because& I partially agree/disagree with this statement because BEFORE READING AFTER READING Me Me Author ____ 1. Bullies are often insecure people who feel more powerful ____ ____ when they put other people down. Paragraph # _____ Quotation: ____ 2. Many bullies are victims of previous child abuse or bullying. ____ ____ Paragraph # _____ Quotation: ____ 3. Many school bullies dont really mean to hurt other students; ____ ____ they say or do harmful things to others accidentally. Paragraph # _____ Quotation: ____ 4. Research indicates a low percentage of serious bullying in ____ ____ U.S. schools. Paragraph # _____ Quotation: ____ 5. A productive strategy for dealing with bullies is to stand up ____ ____ to them and give them a taste of their own medicine. 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